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Condition Information
Living Well
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Having any kind of arthritis can affect how you feel about yourself. It can help to share how you are feeling so others can support you.

In this section you’ll find advice about helplines and support groups, charities, financial support and benefits, social care and housing, aids and adaptations, support for carers and support from healthcare professionals.

For support with mental health issues please see the ‘addressing wellbeing page’ in ‘Living well’

Support from health professionals

Arthritis Foundation -Talking with your Doctor

Everyone has a different experience with arthritis, so honest and thorough communication with your doctor is essential to ensuring that you’re getting the right treatment. The better the communication between you and your healthcare professional, the more you will get our of your appointment

This website can help you improve the way you communicate with your doctor to get the best from your appointment:
Talking With Your Doctor | Arthritis Foundation

It can be helpful to prepare questions before you see your health professional.

Ask 3 Questions