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Condition Information
Living Well
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Living Well

In this section we look at some of the things that can help you live well with your condition including

  • Medications
  • Managing pain
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Sleep
  • Diet
  • Staying active
  • Surgery
  • Smoking
  • Vaccinations

Local Information

Local Community Activities Timetable – covering Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire Moorlands and Stoke on Trent.

Click here to view/download

Haywood Foundation Community Tai Chi Sessions

Did you know that there are now three local Tai Chi classes in the local area that you can go to?, Sessions take place in Burslem, Audley and Leek. 

Click on this link for more information (link to poster)

Tai Chi and Qigong are low impact activities suitable for everyone.  Each person works within their own limitations to improve their strength, balance and flexibility without putting stress on their joints.

It is an ideal activity if you are recovering from a fall or want to improve your mobility.

For further information on Tai Chi click on the web link below

Tai Chi sessions are back! – Haywood Foundation

Royal Voluntary Service

The volunteer-run Social Clubs and Events provide a wide range of activities from dancing, crafts and gentle exercises to specialist interests as well as the opportunity to catch up with friends. Many of the events will give you the opportunity to try something out with taster sessions.

Hanley Community Centre – 46154000 (

Information on staying active for older people

Activities and events | Age UK Staffordshire

Workers Education Association (WEA)

WEA offer fitness and exercise Sessions Including:

Yoga for beginners

Dance (reaching out)

Yoga for Osteoporosis


West Midlands | WEA

Local Walking Opportunities

    • Westport Lake and surrounding grounds, which are looked after by Stoke-on-Trent City Council, are ideal for a stroll. There is a good, level footpath of around one mile around the lake, and a health walk around the conservation area

Westport Lake Visitor Centre | Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (

Closer to Home Walks are a series of free community based walks provided by Closer to home walks Network with support  from Voluntary Action Stoke on Trent (VAST). The latest walks leaflets/timetables can be found at: closer2home | Health walks throughout Stoke-on-Trent (

Walking Football

With no running, jogging or heading – and tackling with reduced physical contact – Walking Football is a fun and safe way for players to enjoy football and socialise together. Port Vale Foundation Trust walking football session provides men and women the opportunity to play the game at a slower pace, meet new friends and get active. Walking Football is a fantastic way to keep fit and re-discover skills, have fun and socialise all at the same time.

Walking Football – Port Vale Foundation Trust

Stoke City FC – Health & Wellbeing 

Walking Football at Stoke City Football Club is an exciting scheme aimed at adults over the age of 50 and delivered at the Club’s Academy Dome across three days during the week.

Each session involves a technical warm-up overseen by qualified Community Trust coaches followed by a match where normal FA rules apply except no jogging, running or sprinting.  It’s a great opportunity to get active, keep fit and be more physically active while meeting new people and forming long-lasting friendships.

Walking Football – Staffordshire FA

Contacts for local leisure centres


Local Yoga Classes in Stoke on Trent

The Local Yoga Classes Web Directory was launched over 15 years ago to support Yoga Students and help promote Yoga Teachers and Yoga Studios in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

Yoga Classes in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire – Find a Yoga & Pilates Class, Yoga Teacher or Yoga Studio in any town or city in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (


Fenton Manor Leisure Centre

Swimming pool times at Fenton Manor | Swimming at Fenton Manor | Stoke-on-Trent

New Horizons, Chell

Sports and leisure centres – New Horizons Sport and Leisure | Stoke-on-Trent

Jubilee2, Newcastle under Lyme

Swim & Class Timetable – Jubilee Swimming Pool |

Kidsgrove sports centre

Kidsgrove Sports Centre – Your Sports Centre. Your Community.

Zumba Fitness

Dance at your own pace at Newchapel Community Hub

Classes at Newchapel Community Hub (